Saturday, October 13, 2018

Choose your True Preference as this Literally Creates the Life you Live, the Timeline You Live On.

The Real Reason for Follow your Bliss, Choose your True Preference, Follow the Path of Least Resistance and Do What Most Excites you is: 

These are what leads you to your calling. These are your Signs and Signals from your Higher Self, your Soul, and what leads you to your Calling, to the life you really want to be living. These are your signals of which option to choose that is of your highest and best good, these create your highest dimensional frequency and move you to your higher dimensional timeline. These are the communication from your own divinity on the Path, the Option, the Choice to take in order to fulfill your mission here, to learn what you came here to learn, to help raise the frequency of Mother Earth and her people for all.

To assist you to be in constant reminder of these things, I recommend listening to Abraham Hicks every single day, anything of hers really and listening to information from Bashar. Stay in the moment and choose every second based on your highest excitement period. REMEMBER every day, all day long, to Choose your Thoughts, and to make any and ALL choices moment to moment based on your own personal Joy, Excitement, Bliss, and what honestly feels good to you personally. This is your Sign.    ~ RCC

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Quantum Healing. Live without Self Doubt. Live Pain Free. Live with Surety of Purpose. Reach out for Help to be your Best You.

All is Frequency. Your thoughts, your Focus is your Receiver. Your Receiver decides what channel you tune into and what your consciousness experiences as Reality.  

eMail me Today for a Session via Chat, eMail, Video, Long Distance Healing.

Quantum Consciousness Counseling. Mandela Effect Counseling. Quantum Energy Healing. Remove Self Doubt. Create the Life you Really Want. Reality Shifting. Timeline Shifting.

eMail me for readings, quantum healing
sessions to help you tune into the reality you want to be living.